Hello hello, can you see me one more time? The words of wisdom that open up any conversation, someone summoning you from the Mother Ship: “Hello, anyone home?”

Without ever hearing this song (I’ll play it for you eventually, after I fulfill my lifetime goal of explaining my lyrics)...without even so much as a quick listen on your device to this lovely ditty I threw together, here are a few clips from the four minute song I just mixed this morning.

But first: I’ve always found it interesting on this show to ask songwriters what they do. How they write. I myself don’t know. Sometimes a song seems to hanging in the air like low hanging fruit there for the picking. That was the case with this song I’m calling “Hello”...because that’s the way it spontaneously spewed forth from my mind.

The lyrics were literally off the top of my head, written at the speed of thought. 

Hello Hello...can you see me one more time?

You’ve been living in my arms

You’ve been living here forever 

Hello Hello...can’t you see it in my eyes


Shoulda been the only one 

I’d never gone so far away

Hello Hello

Can’t you see it in my eyes

So feel it in your heart 

Feeling it forever

The lyrics and much of the song was played as if I knew it already. So, I used the original words I sang when I did the scat/scratch track. 

God knows rewrites have saved many a piece of crap. But for now, here’s more from the insta-song department.

I believe in a day without tomorrows

Yes and I believe you’ve never done me wrong

Woa, I believe in a world where you’re a wild one

Yes and I believe you’re never coming home

“I believe in a day without tomorrows” is something that needs to be explained. Our  subject was saying, “hey, let’s live for the present” like there’s no tomorrow. And he sarcastically says “I believe you’ve never done me wrong”, which they both know is a lie.

Then he says “I believe in a world where the wild one” and that she’s never coming out of whatever world she morphed into…”never coming home.”