Episode # 1 Your Breathing, The Most Neglected Factor in Health and Disease

For the people and doctors in the East this is no revelation as Eastern medicine and health care has always paid great attention to the quality of breathing. This is not a surprise when you think that we can live without food for three weeks, without water for three days but we can only survive three minutes without air. Surely just based on this fact alone, we should give more attention to our breathing?Learn more before you start on this course at just click HERE

During this course you will learn how improved breathing will benefit many diseases including: asthma, allergies, angina, anxiety, circulatory problems, depression, gut problems, hay fever, hypertension, IBS, migraines, ME, panic attacks, skin problems and many more.

The common factor in all these conditions is that the individual has developed a bad habit of breathing too much all the time, very often because of stress, some trauma, diet, or other lifestyle problems.

You will learn how, by simply improving your breathing and a few other lifestyle changes you will be able to enjoy a healthier life, usually with improved energy, better sleep and fewer health problems. The Buteyko Method has been subjected to clinical trials that have proved its effectiveness and millions across the world have benefited from the training. Until now training was either in small classes or one to one and cost a few hundred pounds, even internet based courses have been over a hundred pounds usually. *With the new facility of the podcast we can offer a very good introduction to the training for free. *

The Buteyko Method of breath training was the life’s work of a great Russian physician Professor Konstantin Buteyko who studied the impact of breathing in health and disease and gave this great work to the world to improve the health and wellbeing of as many people as possible. His first teaching of the method in the West was in Australia over thirty years ago, it has since spread across the world and has helped millions of people with many health problems and others have found it has improved their general health or their sporting performance and fitness.

What he discovered was that the vast majority of ill health and disease is associated with poor breathing and in particular with over-breathing or chronic hidden hyperventilation. Once the individual’s breathing was returned to normal many of their symptoms and health problems were relieved or eliminated entirely.

I would recommend you spend a little time watching my video on YouTube called Chronic Hidden Hyperventilation 21st Century Epidemic that will give you a useful overview of what you are going to be learning on this course. HERE

So, when you are ready to start on this journey towards better health go to episode two entitled “Why Most of Us Need Breath Training”

In preparation for the next episodes and for recording your exercises you should purchase “The Breath Connection – The Buteyko Guide to Better Breathing & Better Health” by Michael Lingard £10.00 from Amazon .co.uk HERE or from Lulu.com HERE. This is not essential but as a revision book and for exercise recording you will find it invaluable.