Join us as we discuss how exposure to dirt and time in nature are essential to supporting a healthy microbiome while learning the practices behind Terrain Medicine with Dr. Maya Shetreat. Dr. Maya goes into the history and stigmas that have followed ‘germs’ over time and breaks down simple ways we can support our health by introducing our microbiomes to more diverse environments inside and outside the home. 

Dr. Maya Shetreat is a neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer and author of ‘The Dirt Cure: Healthy Food, Healthy Gut, Happy Child’, which has been translated into 10 languages. She's been featured in The New York Times, The Telegraph, NPR, Sky News, The Dr. Oz Show and more. Dr. Maya is the founder of the Terrain Institute where she teaches terrain medicine, earth-based programs for transformational healing. She works and studies with indigenous communities and healers in Ecuador, and is a lifelong student of ethnobotany, plant healing, and the sacred.

To learn more about Dr. Maya Shetreat click here.

Show Notes:

What is Terrain Medicine?

Terrain medicine is the practice of aligning our bio terrain with our eco terrain resulting in a healthy and beautiful environment for both the body and the world We all have ‘bio-terrain’ - our organ systems, DNA, epigenetics, our microbiome We are surrounded by our ‘eco-terrain’ - water, soil, sun, wind, food 


Practicing Gratitude and Awe

Gratitude practice has been shown to positively influence our physiology Examples of benefits: Reduced anxiety, lower blood pressure, minimized depression, lower cortisol levels, improved sleep and more Getting back outside in nature Try earthing/grounding - time outdoors is essential  Examples of outdoor benefits: Lower cortisol levels, higher anti-cancer proteins, increased executive function, creativity, happiness and more

Dirt is Not Dirty

We have been raised in a world that teaches us that perfect hygiene is to remove bacterias and stay far away from getting “dirty” - that being sterile is important A study in Europe showed that in home or schools that use more bleach the exposed children to those environments were more likely to have chronic respiratory infections We were intended to come in contact with dirt and to get dirty Germ diversity is essential for a healthy and happy life


Steps You Can Take Right Now 

The simplest thing is to start by going outside Take your lunch outside on a picnic blanket, sit on a rock, hug a tree Take your computer outside and get some sun and breathe fresh air while you work Home cleaning  Replace chemical cleaning products with natural cleaners - many of these you can make with just a few simple ingredients Look for easy swaps and be aware of what you are ingesting (diet) and the environmental factors around you (products)



Episode Intro … 00:00:30
Dr. Shetreat’s Story … 00:01:30
What is Terrain Medicine? … 00:05:34
Practicing Gratitude and Awe … 00:13:00
Dirt is Not Dirty … 00:20:51
Steps You Can Take Right Now … 00:34:10
Episode Wrap-Up … 00:45:10


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