Join us as we discuss the depths of the gut microbiome with chiropractic and an international expert in digestive health and detoxification, Dr. Tom Bayne.  In this episode, Dr. Bayne shares a wealth of uncommon knowledge about the microbiome and breaks down key research on the use of spore-based probiotics to improve chronic illness.

As the president of Microbiome Labs, Dr. Bayne travels around the world to educate other healthcare practitioners on the connection between the gut microbiome and many chronic diseases. Dr. Bayne's comprehensive understanding of supplement manufacturing and extensive clinical experience have given him a unique ability to innovate integrative solutions for digestive and immune health. In his clinic, Dr. Bayne has spent over 24 years helping his patients optimize their digestive health, improve autoimmune conditions, and enhance detoxification. To learn more about Dr. Bayne click here

What is destroying our Microbiome?

Poor farming practices Increased quantities of glyphosate in our food supply  Eating for convenience instead of nutrition Increased antibiotic use and more

Improving The Microbiome 

Diet: eating more roots, fiber, clean whole foods Precision prebiotics: second generation  Using strains that are anaerobic in nature that produce high concentrations of short-chain fatty acids like akkermansia muciniphila and faecalibacterium prausnitzii Targeting the imbalance instead of trying to completely rid the microbiome of all the ‘bad guys’ If the structural integrity, the lining,  of the gut is compromised problems arise


Where to learn more about Dr. Tom Bayne... Instagram: better.biome

Episode Intro … 00:00:30

Do Probiotics Change the Microbiome? … 00:15:00

What is a Spore? … 00:18:30

What is Destroying Our Microbiome? … 00:27:10

Improving The Microbiome … 00:30:40

The Future of Spore Applications … 00:37:00

The Functional Medicine Approach … 00:43:17

Episode Wrap Up … 00:45:00