Join us as we discuss Kambo Medicine Therapy with Todd Shipman. 


So what is Kambo and why are we talking about it? Kambo is a non-psychoactive traditional amazonian medicine and is legal in the United States. Kambo’s secretions, while used as a defense mechanism, and deadly to most animals, provide many health benefits for humans. The secretion is then applied through superficial burns that are made into the skin. Our interest in Kambo, aside from its wide ranging applications, lies in the positive effects on the microbiome.  


While more studies are needed in this area of Kambo research, many people with gut issues, Lyme, parasites, constipation, SIBO, stress etc. find immense relief in their symptoms when they do Kambo. Some find relief after one session and some do it a couple of times a year.


Episode Takeaways:


What is Kambo? 

The sweat that comes from a large tree frog in the amazon It’s a defense mechanism to them, but to humans it has several healing properties The sweat contains bioactive peptides It is considered non-psychoactive It is applied fresh off of the frog on to the person's skin


Historical use

Tribes in the amazon use Kambo to  Magnify their senses prior to hunting Correctional behavior of children Attract a mate Fertility


How is Kambo sourced?   

From tribes in the amazon Kambo samples can be good for a couple of years


What are the benefits? 

Beneficial Peptides like Dermorphin - stronger than morphine  Dermaseptin - strongest natural antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal  And many more Deltorphin, Phyllokinin, Phyllomedusin, Adenoregulein, Phyllokinin, Phyllocarulein, Caerulein and Sauvagine and more… Many people with health challenges like lyme, parasites, addiction, depression, anxiety, fertility, fatigue, and stress experience improvements after using Kambo  Some people use it to increase athletic endurance and to enhance their energy and performance  Early research shows benefits are sustained up to 3 months out



First, find a seasoned practitioner who is familiar with the specific challenges you wish to improve  There are specific dosing considerations for different challenges, ailments,  goals  You should NEVER try Kambo on your own without guidance


What is the mechanism? 

Several different peptides are at work in the … Central nervous system Digestive system Lymphatic system Endocrine system Microbiome benefits - there are 5 peptides that seem to benefit the microbiome Some help release trauma which helps gut performance almost immediately Some promote calmness which helps to release people from a state of constant fight or flight Some stimulate myoelectric activity  And some reset the liver


What is the ceremony or experience like?

Focus on calming first  Starts with breath work A calming tobacco is offered Meditate on goals A small dot to burn to expose skin is applied to a designated area Fasting for 5-8 hours takes place prior Drink 2 liters of water within 5 minutes to start the Kambo 9 out of 10 people experience within the first minute elevated heart rate Then become flushed and hot, then you become pale  Then purging happens 2-3 times is pretty common  Once the Kambo is removed from the skin, recovery happens within minutes Many experience an emotional release 


How can someone find a safe Kambo practice  

Look for practitioners who have been through extensive training Never do it by yourself Great resources - or Safety - DO NOT DO IT IF YOU ARE  Pregnant Embolism Prone to seizures (some caveats here) Liver disease  The list goes on … speak to a professional before you try Kambo



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Website Instagram: @Biohackertodd


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