Language changes over time, and that leads to new slang with each new generation. This creates a gap in understanding between generations that is not unlike the gap between the disciples and the visitors from many countries they met on Pentecost. How could they share the Good News of Jesus when they didn’t understand the language of those they encountered? On Pentecost it was the work of the Holy Spirit that enabled everyone to hear the message in their native language. But what about today, how do we share the Good News, when generation gaps, cultural differences, or even actual languages separate us from others? Pastor Stephanie reminds us that it is a gift to be able to learn how another communicates even if we have to take classes or ask for a translator. “Actions speak louder than words” is especially true when there’s a barrier to communication: serving our neighbors, sharing a meal, or even just taking time to play can help build bridges to better understanding each other.