6 steps Jesus made, from glory to glory, which illustrate humility--1. Preexistence- His exalted position -2-6---Jesus used His exalted status for the benefit of others--2. Incarnation- God takes on a human nature -2-7-8a---how far did Jesus empty Himself-...-3. Humiliation- undergoing the miseries of this life -2-8--4. Crucifixion- Punished for the sins of others -2-8---The depth of Jesus' self-emptying is seen in 3 events--A. His humble birth-B. His modest life and ministry-C. His humiliating and shameful death--Jesus was betrayed for the price of a slave-An innocent man is arrested, tried, beaten and scourged-Jesus is mocked, and the crucifixion is treated like a comedy