Who wants to speak to the “evil HR lady”? I do and she’s here on THIS SHOW! Special guest Suzanne Lucas – also known as the Evil HR Lady, writer for CBS and Inc magazine – is here talking with me about staying connected. Now more than EVER, its vital that we stay connected as we shuffle through this pandemic. We’re social distancing for our physical health, but it also impact our mental health as well.

Suzanne is an awesome lady and we just had a BLAST talking. We share tips and suggestions on how to network through virtual connection, what you need to do to maintain your professional image when people can’t see you, and how to work with your employees while still doing the tough job of HR.

You can read Suzanne’s work on her website: http://www.evilhrlady.org/and follow her on Twitter at  ‎@RealEvilHRLady .

Also, you can get up-to-date information on the new Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), IRS guidance for FFCRA, and other helpful tips and resources on the bestpractices.work dedicated coronavirus webpage.

Now, be sure to head to our Next Gen Women in HR Facebook Group to ask your #brendathehrlady questions! I can’t wait to hear them.

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