Owning your career path can look like a lot of things. But at its core it’s about balancing two things: becoming an expert at what you do and knowing when and how to work with others. When you take ownership of your career, you move from taking cues from those above you to being proactive about your own learning and your own path. You start looking for ways to solve the problems around you, improve the lives of your team, and elevate the entire company along with yourself. In this Best Practice interview, our growth team members George and Silvia talk about how to put those ideas into practice.

Interview Takeaways

Become an expert on what you do
Learn to delegate
Collaborate for better results
Offer people something in exchange for partnership
Establish trust and working styles
Make a manual of me
Enable team members with communication
Make a place where people can ask questions
Understand the differences between architecture and tech
Hack your way up the ladder
Make the right solutions exist

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