As a business owner, it takes practice to put your ego aside and trust your employees to accomplish the tasks you delegate. Randy Carver, CEO of Carver Financial Services, discusses how he transitioned from a CEO focused business to a team business in three phases. Learn how to hire the best employees and develop them as leaders for the success of your business.



When it comes to financial service businesses, it is important to be service-based providers. When someone hires you, they are not hiring you for financial planning or investments, they are hiring you to pay for retirement, college, a trip, etc.
The most important transformation a business can make is the transition from a CEO-based business to a team business. 
If you make yourself as a leader less important, your business will grow
You need to delegate some of the things you’re doing. Look at your strengths as a business owner, and delegate the rest. 
Hiring is not all about technical skills, it is about fitting in culturally with the rest of the team. Figure out if they have the same vision and mission as the company. 
It is important to hire people who don’t agree with everything you say or do because it makes you better as a company. At the same time, you are still the CEO and there has to be a line drawn in order to maintain control over your company. 




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