Previous Episode: 146: GO VOTE

November isn't even quite over yet but Jessamyn and I are entirely done with it, and document a bunch of the good bits and some of the not so great ones in this episode of the MeFi monthly podcast. Also there is a very clever bird and some nude cats. Also I make a pretty solid joke about clouds. It's actually not very solid. The joke I mean. Also obviously not the clouds, they're made of vapor, c'mon. Yes. Okay. Hello.

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- the number 147 is a superpermutation I guess

- man we maybe need some podcast archives, anywhere here's the very first one

- flowers for Algernon, more like flippies from Jim

- y'all it's still Moshow the Cat Rapper

- like, I mean


- Clinical Research Operations Specialist- IT oriented by tangaroo

- 3D Conversion Artist by Construction Concern


- fcc-git-nomic: A game of Nomic played via Github by man down under

- The Toronto Film Map by avocet

- Playlists from The Site by bendy

- A game that teaches kids 20 years of investing in 20 minutes by missjenny (MeFi Post)

- We Sacrificed Imaginary Kitties to Help People Avoid Real-Life Financial Disaster by missjenny

- The Brexit Twitter Project by garius


- SF Writer Greg Egan & Mystery Math Whiz Advance Permutation Problem by cgc373

- Let your need guide your behaviour by Johnny Wallflower

- "Sluggo is lit" by Doktor Zed

- The Competitive Book Sorters Who Spread Knowledge Around New York by cynical pinnacle

- Attention Chess Nerds! by OHenryPacey

- 52,438 High-Definition Images of Artworks Into the Public Domain by WCityMike

- Before envelopes, there was letterlocking by zeptoweasel

- slurp gulp crunch smack by Fizz

- The "Talk" for 45-year old women by bunderful

- Take another puzzle piece of my art by Atom Eyes

- I Was At One Point Informed By A Person by BiggerJ

Ask MeFi

- How should I begin selling my underwear in NYC? by crocodiletsunami

- What is the weirdest, most obscure national organization you know of by Ms Vegetable

- Is the fruit from Harry and David really more amazing ? by TestamentToGrace

- How to deal - when family member did the worst thing by Anonymous

- How did you deal with seeing your partner in pain during labor? by Fister Roboto

- Help me get my photos off of Flickr by melodykramer (of which also Jess hunts for Creative Commons answers<>)

Considering getting a Sphynx by hepta


- rtha in hospice by cortex

- RIP Samizdata by Johnny Wallflower

- Metatalktail Hour: Open Holiday Thread! by Eyebrows McGee

- MeFi Cookie Swap 2018 by chara

- It's the $5 noob anniversary! by octothorpe

- the holidays are upon us sooner than usual by jessamyn

- Chrisish? Greenmear? by greenish

- Everybody needs a hug by lazuli

- Direct your gopher client to gopher:// by cortex

MeFi Music

Track featured in this episode:

- Scheme by srednivashtar

- Third Song, by Bulbs for Leonard by not_on_display

- Nothing but the Rain by Bluebird Wine

- Dance46 by CarrotAdventure


- The Good Place continues to be a very good show>