In this podcast ep, I talk with Jessamyn about going camping, driving a stick-shift VW camper van, getting a cold, having a cold, and also a great deal of MetaFilter stuff. It's a bit late and there's no music bumpers because I was camping and then I had a cold! But here it is. It's about 80 minutes.

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- Jessamyn's been makin' envelopes

- human clock

- that other Tracy Kidder book

- tfw when ur parachuting beaver post is a double

- hey it's ba!

- Knuth's up arrow notation is totally cheating


- One-off Graphic Design Project for Button/Sticker by Miko

- Typist needed by crookedneighbor

- 3d model my hypothetical kitchen by novalis_dt

- Senior Mobile Developer by adrianhon


- Destination: Mars by dng

- Tangara fastuosa by dame

- Context in courtship: how do singing mice decide when to sing? by sciatrix (MeFi Post)

- CommonsTime by Vesihiisi

- Airships: Conquer the Skies by Zarkonnen

- anti-social by motty


- Stan Brock: "anything that he can possibly give to others, he does." by jessamyn

- void void let there be void void by CrystalDave

- what... what happened in Alberta by Etrigan

- Bathtime logistics by rewil

- wait by griphus

- Long suspected, now proven by atlantica

- a comment by jenfullmoon

- New Kids on the Block by JoeZydeco

- We call that "spank the frog", ribbit by cortex

- interesting skate video by mullacc

- a comment by cortex

- Does The Dog Die? by Faintdreams

- MOOOOOOO! by nerdfish

- How do you tell a thirsty elephant not to take a drink? by gudrun

Ask MeFi

- What are the definitive music videos of the last 10-ish years? by cult_url_bias

- What are some great comedy music videos? by storybored

- Can I somehow see the math behind a web game in the page source? by If only I had a penguin...

- Scrabble dictionary woes by rebent

- How to convey the largest possible number with conventional symbols? by the phlegmatic king

- Oldest entity still referred primarily to as "New [type of entity]"? by grouse

- Am I supposed to bag my own groceries? by bleep

- I don't want to sign up for any newsletter by danceswithlight

- A ticking time bomb by cashman

- Is there a documentary about fairs? I NEED IT by masquesoporfavor

Other Stuff

- I was camping

- Then I had a cold

- So there really isn't any of the other stuff

- Sorry about all this

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