Would you like to communicate better with your loved ones? Would you like to be more compassionate and caring? Lisa continues the conversation with our guest today, Corey Lyon Folsom, a highly regarded love and relationship coach and author of the new book, “Soul Statements: A Love Coach's Guide to Successful Communication.” As a certified NLP practitioner and relationship coach, Corey is passionate about helping people expand their empathy and communication skills. Corey teaches how to listen to our inner voice as a way to develop our own Soul Statements. He shares about his vision quest when he was young and how he found solace in nature. He explains that self-care is “soul care.” We can listen to what our soul has to say and hear message from our inner self. This is your own personal signature. We can use Soul Statements to remember who we are. Our inner alignment is always available. We can carry these into any situation. You can have a specific Soul Statement such as “My body is healing itself,” or you can have a more general Soul Statement like, “There’s a wealth of knowledge inside of me.” Corey offers tips and ideas to spur your own personal Soul Statements and develop self-knowledge. State how you feel, especially when you want to feel supported. He suggests substituting requests instead of stating complaints. For several decades, Corey has been a professional tracker, aboriginal skills instructor, wilderness guide, and vision quest leader. He talks about journaling and his wilderness travels. When he leads groups out into nature, he asks them to take an hour or so and write at least one page in their journals. Corey also shares ideas about how to put the spark back into romantic relationships that may have fizzled. One way to start is to look for things to praise the person for doing. It starts with clear communication. Model emotional intelligence. Model caring and serenity. He also talks about his background in Tantra and how it influences his work. After a spiritual soul-awakening in 2009, Corey participated in Ipsalu, Source School of Tantra Yoga, Love Coach Academy, Tony Robbins, and other programs. He explains how his Tantra practice involves being present and paying close attention to the moment. Corey believes if we look for the wonder in life, we can experience true joy! Info: CoreRelationship.com.