Ryan Tierney is a director and co-founder of Seating Matters: a medical chair manufacturer based in Limavady.

“Eight years ago I went home from work really frustrated, the business wasn’t running the way I wanted it to run, we had lots of production issues, lots of defects and it was a very stressful environment to work in. I said to myself “there has to be a better way” I started researching and came across Lean on YouTube. Being exposed to this new way of thinking was a light bulb moment for me. I went into work the next day after discovering ‘2 Second Lean’ and I announced to our entire team that we were going to start practicing this transformative business philosophy.

Now my business stands as an example of world class Lean Manufacturing. Lean principles can be implemented into any organisation and in any industry. The results will amaze you!” — Ryan

In today’s episode we talk about:

How lean changed his life Why he doesn’t use email The organisation-wide morning routine that leads to EVERYONE in his organisation makes a 2 second improvement EVERYDAY How his business uses a device designed for video game streamers to save hundreds of hours every month Why hundreds of people from around the world are coming to his Limavady factory in September (including the former VP of Lexus in Japan) And how he ended up having coffee with the richest man in Ireland.

Check it out.


