Conor Houston is a... 


Well, he's a lot of things. 


Director at Houston Solutions Ltd, a bespoke leadership advisory company.

Founder of Connected Citizens, a civic initiative which promotes active citizenship and creates space for citizens to co-design solutions for our society. 
 Governor of The Irish Times Trust

Director of ShoutOut (an LQBTQ+ youth charity)

Chairman of the Board of Governors of Fleming Fulton Special School. Former Solicitor who has defended clients in the Supreme Court both in the UK and Ireland

Head of Engagement for Digital DNA - the largest tech & digital conference in Northern Ireland.

Fellow of the US State Department Rule of Law Programme

Fellow of the British Council Hammamet Conference

Inaugural Chair of The Ireland Funds Belfast.

Guest lecturer at Harvard University, Loyola Marymount University LA, Trinity College Dublin and Ulster University.


Not one to be put in a box, Conor has had a vast career that is built around one thing: bringing about change.


A massive advocate for celebrating the island of Ireland on the world's stage, he has both founded, assembled and led various "tribes" over the years to make the "visions and values laid out in the Good Friday Agreement a reality" for the people who call this place home.


In today's episode we talk all about:

Conor's origin story Why he got into (and out of) law How he balances passion with burnout Experiences that have shaped his perspective And of course the greatest challenges/successes he's endured along the way


This is a wide-sweeping conversation with one of our Ireland's most interesting minds and I know you'll really enjoy — and get a lot out of — today's show.


Check it out!



To see a 'treasure trove' of all things related to Conor (including a photo) please visit


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— Matt