Why wait until January 1 to set your 2022 goals?

In one year, you can change the trajectory of your business and your life.

And that year start right now.

Look at your year and set short term and midterm goals in pursuit of your long term goal.

Start small and start chipping away.

No matter which way you start...just start.

Post your goals on Instagram and tag us @besthouroftheirday. We want to help you achieve everything you set out to accomplish.


We are 7 episodes away from #500! Will you help us reach our goal of 2000 subscribers on YouTube and 10,000 followers on instagram?

If we reach those goals, we get matching tattoos. So let's do this thing.


So you never miss an episode, subscribe on YouTube and on all major podcasting platforms at Best Hour of Their Day.

Check out more information on our sponsors and partners below:


InsideTracker - Visit info.insidetracker.com/coachjasonackerman.


Doc Spartan - Use code BESTHOUR at checkout for 15% off and check out docspartan.com for our Best Hour bundle.

RX Smart Gear - Use code BESTHOUR at checkout for 10% off.

WheelPay - An official partner of our podcast.

LMNT - An official partner of our podcast.


Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/besthouroftheirday/support