We read an email today that sparked a conversation around  whether or not box owners should charge for drop-ins.

If it sounds ridiculous, that's because it is a little ridiculous.

In this episode we give you some best practices as to how to best handle situations like this.

Spoiler alert: it does not begin with you replying to that ridiculous email.

Before you send any type of response (if you choose to send any at all), ask yourself: "Is this for me? Or is it for them?"

The answer is almost always the former.

And if that is the case, your reply to that ridiculous email is not worth sending.

So you never miss an episode, subscribe on YouTube and on all major podcasting platforms at Best Hour of Their Day. If you want to learn more about our sponsors, Doc Spartan, WheelPay, and RX Smart Gear, checkout docspartan.com, wheelpay.com, and rxsmartgear.com. At checkout, use the code BESTHOUR to get 15% off all DocSpartan purchases and 10% off all RX Smart Gear purchases.


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