Hey friends! Nicole is thriving and living her best fucking life. Sasheer got invited to play tennis with her cousin. They both learn that there was a resurgence of tennis due to the pandemic. Sasheer wishes when she was younger she stuck with playing violin. Nicole wished she stuck with piano. Sasheer was so happy after seeing Beyoncé in Los Angeles on the Renaissance Tour with Nicole.  Nicole wants Beyoncé and Kelly to come on the show. Sasheer wants the music group Flyana Boss on the show. Nicole believes all titties are great but there are some bad butts. Sasheer believes we don’t talk about titties like we used to because we are in “Ass Land.” It's all about the butts. Nicole loves the idea of a child section on an airplane. Sasheer was on a plane that cops came on but nothing happened. Nicole recounts an unfortunate plane ride where she wasn’t feeling well. Plus, they give friendship advice to a listener feeling awkward being the only single friend, a person figuring out how to support a friend going through a nasty divorce and a listener dealing with their best friend's anger issues.


This was recorded on September 5th, 2023.





Check out Sasheer’s Comedy Special “First Woman” on 800 Pound Gorilla or for free on Youtube. https://800poundgorillamedia.com/products/sasheer-zamata-the-first-woman


No BuzzFeed quiz this week.


Email or call Nicole & Sasheer with your friendship questions at:


[email protected]