If you had to write a biography about yourself what would it say and how easy would you find such an exercise.

God tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made; that He hand made us on purpose and for a purpose.

So, if you were saying who God had made you to be, how would you go about that?

I’m currently writing something of a professional biography, not a super short one. But I struggle to speak the truth about what I am good at for the most part.

I’m quite comfortable saying I’m really good at creating complicated church services that are suitable for a massive range of ages that are popular, and yet I struggle to describe other things with such clarity.

I’m certain part of my issues is that I’m British, and the British are, if nothing else, incredibly reserved as a rule.

We’ve done some amazing things and led the field in so many areas. And yet, when it comes to talking about ourselves, we would do well to take some lessons from our American friends, who are so much more natural at saying what they are able to do, or not.

So, if you were writing a bio about yourself, what would it say?

Feel free to leave it in the comments if you like as I’d love to read who God has made you to be 😊.

Just a thought… 

Andy B

This video will always be best enjoyed on our website: https://www.berrybunch.org/Articles/660236/S05E063_Know_Thyself.aspx

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