Two Headlining comedians making a kick ass living NOT living in LA: Lenny Clarke’s IMDb page is a slightly longer read than Moby Dick. If you caught Clarke in the documentary When Stand Up Stood Out, (alongside Dennis Leary, Steven Wright, Colin Quinn and other legends of the Boston Comedy Scene) you’d think he was ... [Read more...]

Clarke in Giggle’s parking lot w/Tony V and Artie J – he’s probably on the phone with Scorsese.

Two Headlining comedians making a kick ass living NOT living in LA: Lenny Clarke’s IMDb page is a slightly longer read than Moby Dick. If you caught Clarke in the documentary When Stand Up Stood Out, (alongside Dennis Leary, Steven Wright, Colin Quinn and other legends of the Boston Comedy Scene) you’d think he was the regular schmo. But don’t let his ‘regular guy’ demeanor fool you, he’s been a series regular on a network TV show or appeared in major motion pictures for most of the past 20 years – all while making his home on Martha’s Vinyard. Bernie & AL interview Clarke from the green room of Giggle’s Comedy Club then bump into Juston McKinney who gives them a quick update on his career from the Kitchen on the way to the stage. Like Clark, McKinney collects TV credits (Comedy Central Specials, Conan, The Tonight Show, etc), movie credits (Zookeeper, Mall Cop 2) and produces his own pilots and live tours while living in New Hampshire with all the normalcy of a wife, kids and dogs. Both Super Talents are doing quite well for themselves without living in Hollywood, or is it because they don’t live in Hollywood?

Juston McKinney doing the ‘Regular Guy’ thing in Portsmouth, NH.