- Serial rapist
-- TIPS: LKA 134 at the Berlin State Criminal Police Office at Keithstraße 30 in 10787 Berlin-Tiergarten
--- by calling (030) 4664- 913402
--- by e-mail [email protected] or any other police station.
-- Photos & Videos:
--- https://www.berlin.de/polizei/polizeimeldungen/pressemitteilung.954626.php

- Statue removal
- Rigaer Str.
- Drinking fountains

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Serial rapist

LKA 134 at the Berlin State Criminal Police Office at Keithstraße 30 in 10787 Berlin-Tiergarten

by calling (030) 4664- 913402
by e-mail [email protected] or any other police station.

Photos & Videos: https://www.berlin.de/polizei/polizeimeldungen/pressemitteilung.954626.php

Statue removal

Rigaer Str.

Drinking fountains

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