Message title-s- --1. Sin and death IN Adam Pt 3. -2..The woman whom you gave me. 3...The glory of Christ in Adam.-Text - Romans 5 vs 13 and Genesis 3...-1. To understand Adam one must understand Christ and Christ is also understood when one understands Adam better.. -2..Many are fixated with the sin and death that Adam brought and miss much of the gospel testimonies in the story of Adam.. -3..The gospel is in the details, in the ordering of things.. -4..Adam was just not representative of Himself and those after him in respect of sin... He also was a type of Christ, a type of Him who was to come as Paul said in Romans 5..-5..Eve was a type of the bride of Christ, the church... That is why she is said to have been and transgressed... -6..She was a type of the church as she was formed from the picture of the death and resurrection of Adam... -7..She was a type of the church because after she as formed by God's own doing she was brought and introduced to her husband.. -7.Eve was also a type of Christ, as the mother of all the -living- , as was Sarah was the mother of all the free. -8..She was a type of Christ in that she would give birth to children through pain and sorrow... -9...Lots of gospel nuggets to glean, but you must hear for yourself...