Sermon Title- 1. I am the Lord, 2. Then you shall know-Text- Exodus 6 vs 1-13-1. We continued with our gospel teaching from the book of Exodus building, explaining and demonstrating that the Old Testament scriptures do indeed testify of Christ.-2. And where we find Christ, we also the testimony of salvation of God's people who are in bondage.-3. And the whole matter of Israel's experience in Egypt was a testimony of God about sin and Law as they produce slavery and death and God's way of deliverance.-4. Thus, the oppression of the children of Israel did not happen by accident, but was God preaching.-5. Preaching that in the matter of salvation sin and Law bring hopelessness to God's people.-6. Sin and Law NEVER PRODUCED LIFE, but DEATH.-7. And God came continued to expand on His name of I AM THE LORD. And this name He was to be known because He had made a Covenant of salvation, to redeem His people from the burdens of their sin that was pictured in oppression of slavery in Egypt.-8. That and more and it is free-