Today's Gospel instalment- 02-12-2023--Message Title- The Christology of Hannah's Prayer--Text- 1Samuel 2 vs 1-10--1. It is no farce or exaggeration to say the Old Testament does bear witness of Christ.--2. We continued to develop the gospel testimony through the story of Hannah and Peninnah.--3. We observed that the two women represented the testimony of two covenants as Sarah and Hagar before them.--4. And as with Sarah, Hannah's womb was restrained by God from having a child, a God imposed inconvenience that brought a lot of sorrow and suffering to her, especially by the taunting of her rival, Peninnah.--5. Peninnah who carried the testimony of Hagar, the testimony of the mocking of the Law of those who are the children of promise.--6. But God answered Hannah's prayer and granted her a son, Samuel, who was to be raised as a Nazarite and dedicated to God.--7. Samuel had an unusual priesthood in that it violated the stipulations of the Levitical Priesthood which started at age 25 and ended at 50 -Numbers 8 vs 23-26-. And yet, Samuel was committed to the LORD all his life proleptically looking to the eternal priesthood of Christ Jesus.--8. But Hannah later had a hymn of praise to God in which she blessed Him for removing the reproach from her.--9. She spoke many things in her prayer that we expounded and related them to the Lord Jesus Chris and the gospel-hence the title-the Christology of Hannah's prayer. --10. So many gospel nuggets to glean here and they are FREE.