The first of 3 episodes produced in association with The Chicago Brewseum, we have something very special as we look at traditional brewing in Africa including its cultural position, the techniques and ingredients used, how it's changed and lots more.

The traditional beers and the way they are brewed are very different from the modern scientific brewing and Β we have three exceptional panellists, each very knowledgeable about traditional brewing but also pioneers in the craft brewing scene across Africa.

Apiwe Nxusani-Mawela is the founder of Tolokazi Beer, South Africa's first black female owned brewery. She is the Chairperson for the Institute of Brewing and Distilling, Africa Section and Distilling and the Beer Association of South Africa. She is on the Board of Directors for both the Craft Brewers Association of South Africa and African Manufacturers Association; and was Chairperson of the Board for the Beer Association of South Africa. She has always tried to incorporate traditional elements to her beers and has unrivalled knowledge of traditional brewing.

Jessi Flynn is the Managing Director of Kweza, Rwanda's first craft brewery. Kweza has recently completed a very successful crowd-funding campaign and is building a brewery focused on bringing traditional brewing techniques and ingredients to the modern craft market.

Bayo Ijasan is the head brewer at Bature Brewery in Nigeria He has always been interested in brewing both traditional and modern beers and studied Brewing and Distilling in Scotland.

This is the first in a 3-part series that will also cover the position and potential of craft brewing in Africa, as well as a look at African influences on American craft brewing.