In this episode, Pilar talks with Michael Jenkins, CEO at Expert Humans, Partner of FutureWork Forum and an anchor on BeNext's upcoming program, 'Building a Culture of Empathy for Productivity & Innovation'

Even prior to the pandemic, we were living in intensely uncertain times. Business leaders the world over are aware of the need to approach this disruption with compassion, to guide with empathy and to exhibit kindness and authenticity. But what does this actually look like? In this conversation with Pilar, Michael describes the critical concepts behind his ACE model (Altruism, Compassion and Empathy) and their application to the present day's challenges, including health, sustainability, and digital transformation, seeking answers to big questions: what are the subtle but important differences between these concepts? Can empathy and compassion be taught or learned? What is the business imperative driving this need to create a culture of empathy? 

Michael's latest book, 'Expert Humans: Critical Leadership Skills for a Disrupted World' is available for purchase here