In this episode, YOUR guest is Brianna Cardenas, DMSC, PA-C, ATC and the founder of Healed and Empowered.  Brianna courageously shares her own personal journey with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), cervical instability, spinal CSF leak, and dysautonomia, shedding light on the mistreatments she endured - both as a patient and a healthcare professional. 

YOUR host, as always, is Dr. Linda Bluestein, the Hypermobility MD.


Explored in this episode:

·  Inequality in healthcare and how we can best advocate for ourselves

·  Why we should prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion in medical spaces 

·  The need for personal responsibility when learning about sensitive topics 

·  Discrimination and power dynamics in the healthcare setting 

·  Handling microaggressions

·  Addressing internalized ableism  

·  The importance of outward visible signs of safety for marginalized groups such as LGBTQ plus and BIPOC

This important conversation about inequality in healthcare will leave you feeling more informed, better prepared to tackle that next step, and with a better understanding of the multitude of factors that can impact the healthcare you receive.  

Connect with YOUR Bendy Specialist, Linda Bluestein, MD!


Thank YOU so much for tuning in. We hope you found this episode informative, inspiring, useful, validating, and enjoyable. Join us on the next episode for YOUR time to level up your knowledge about hypermobility disorders and the people who have them.


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YOUR bendy body is our highest priority!

Products, organizations, and services mentioned in this episode:


#Podcast #EDSPodcast #HealthcareInequality #LGBTQ #BIPOC #Hypermobility #HypermobilityPodcast #HypermobilityMD #BendyBuddy  #ChronicIllness #ChronicPain #InvisibleIllness #HypermobileHacks #EhlersDanlosSyndrome #EhlersDanlos #PainManagementJourney #EDSdoctor