What was music like in Early America? How did different early Americans—Native Americans, African Americans, and White Americans—integrate and use music in their daily lives?

Your questions about music inspired this 5-episode series about music in Early America.

Our exploration begins with music in Native America. Chad Hamill, a Professor of Applied Indigenous Studies at Northern Arizona University, is an ethnomusicologist who studies Native American and Indigenous music. He will guide us through Native North America’s musical landscapes before European colonization.

Show Notes: https://www.benfranklinsworld.com/343

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Omohundro Institute Colonial Williamsburg Foundation Making Music in Early America Exhibition 

Complementary Episodes

Episode 163: The American Revolution in North America Episode 290: The World of the Wampanoag, Part 1 Episode 291: The World of the Wampanoag, Part 2 Episode 297: Claudio Saunt, Indian Removal Act of 1830 Episode 310: Rosalyn LaPier, History of the Blackfeet Episode 323: Michael Witgen, American Expansion and the Political Economy of Plunder Episode 342: Elizabeth Ellis, The Great Power of Small Native Nations



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