How did Americans find out about the Revolution?

What effect did printed materials like newspapers, pamphlets, and books have on shaping the debate about independence? And just how big of a role did Thomas Paine’s Common Sense play in causing Americans to declare their independence from Great Britain?

In this episode of the Doing History: To the Revolution! series, we explore these question with four scholars of Revolutionary communication: Alyssa Zuercher Reichardt, Eric Slauter, Seth Cotlar, and Trish Loughran.

Show Notes:


Sponsor Links

Omohundro Institute William and Mary Quarterly OI Reader App Episode 076: Nathan Perl-Rosenthal, Citizen Sailors: Becoming American in the Age of Revolution William and Mary Quarterly-Journal of the Early Republic special issue on the American Revolution discount


Complementary Episodes

Episode 001: James Green, The Library Company of Philadelphia Episode 141: A Declaration in Draft Episode 144: Robert Parkinson, The Cause of the American Revolution Episode 152: Origins of the American Revolution Episode 153: Committees and Congress: Governments of the American Revolution



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