Throlo and Tolosh have been assimilated and a Borg drone is on the loose! Come with us as we follow the crew of the Sally Ride as they deal with this horrible turn of events.


Craig Blackwood - @vkmSpouge

Cato Prowse -  @catoakacato

Laurent Tirta - @pablackhawk_

KC Colman - @DJPheonyxEditor:

Az Hann - @captain_tiny

Laurent Tirta

Executive Producer:

Mitch Campbell - @kungfupanzer


Links and Show Notes:

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It’s Not Easy Being Green

Sports Night

Skeet shooting

What Kind Of Day Has It Been” - The West Wing

Designated Survivor

In The Shadow of Two Gunmen

Donna Moss - Janel Moloney

The West Wing Weekly - If you want an actual West Wing podcast, check out these guys!

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