Next Episode: 4.07: Brain Paint

Hey BSrs! We've got a special episode for you here, because we're going to listen to some tunes from  a new band...well, new to the show, and new to you, but really, actually, old. You'll see! The band is called Thin Pleasures (but secretly called Slam Punks), and the songs are called "Slams", unless they're called something else. Double entendres abound! Check it out.

Bands mentioned, featuring guests in this episode:

Check out Deadsurf!

Check out Red Robe!

Check out Boherald!

Check out Portals or Thrones!

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Our stand-alone songs are available online! (Spotify, iTunes, Pandora. etc.)
Follow: Harnol Slin (Wade), Uzi Royal (Brad), Vonlio (Patrick), and/or The Whyte Spydrz.

Give this free playlist a listen (updated regularly), it's got all the songs!