Kip Morse's first daughter, Allison, was diagnosed with Down syndrome at birth and later, autism. Tremendous behavioral issues forced him into being the family's peacekeeper. Now he's finally finding peace as his daughter realizes her purpose.
To me, Kip has been a mentor and the leading example of a father’s impenetrable love for his daughter. The father of three daughters and husband to Leslie for more than 30 years, he was forced into being the servant leader of the family. Many times breaking it up and standing between his daughter and the rest of the family when things got out of control. And now, as his daughter finds her own way and purpose, relief and reconnection.
At the time we recorded this story, Kip was the president and CEO of the Better Business Bureau of Central Ohio which has been a client of mine for the past several years. He's now the CEO of the IABBB.
We open our story at the breaking point for Kip and the entire family, including his oldest daughter, Alison. It’s Alli’s last night before she starts her journey away from the family.
Tears streaming, mom and dad taking turns in the room with Alli, neighbors coming over to say bye, and even Alison is aware that her next move is the right move.
At birth, Alli was diagnosed with Down syndrome, a crucial moment that forced the family to move back to Columbus, Ohio away from Florida
In time, they realized that Alli’s Down syndrome was not typical, her behavior was extremely challenging
Temper tantrums, lying on the floor of the supermarket, throwing things, taking his wife Leslie to the ground, pulling hair... 
Later Alli was diagnosed with autism
There was no local solution -- institutionalizing Alli was not ever an option
The behavior caused a riff between Alli and the family
Finally, they found a solution for Alli a few hours away in Cleveland - her behavior would not be an issue to the caregivers (Monarch Center for Autism)
Alli went to Monarch and Kip and Leslie drove up every single weekend for two years
The separation gave Kip and Leslie a chance to work on their relationship and the relationship with the other two daughters
Kip realized that he had been enabling Alli’s behavior, in a way
“Boy, it’s hard to get it right when you’re going through it.”
Stress caught up with Kip - he nearly had a heart attack
Being independent brought the fun and joy of Alli back
A few years later, Alli came back to Columbus under the care of Ability Matters
Looking back, Kip is glad he didn’t know what was ahead of him in life when his daughter was diagnosed with Down syndrome
It’s purpose that lights Alli up the most these days -- that same truth has translated into the business world, as well

“I recall it vividly because it was constantly having communications with my daughter and my wife, and consoling one another, and tears streaming down our faces. And it was this realization that, you know, twenty-three years of trying to get Allison to be at a point where she was happy, and she was independent, and where she could live a life with with a strong self-esteem and and purpose. And we hadn't gotten there, and it wasn't within our control anymore. Your sisters all are in an apartment," and you'd see her brighten up because she wants to be just like her sisters. And so there's constantly those ups and downs with the understanding.”
 “And so I rushed back, and that's when the doctor came in and said, "You know, we see signs that she has... she was born with Down syndrome." And you don't know anything about that. You just know you're just looking at your new baby girl with total love and devotion. And so, yeah, we were just kind of stunned. You know, you don't know what to what to think.”
 “And so the diagnosis went from Down syndrome to all of these leading up to pervasive developmental disorder, which was kind of the interim period of time before they finally said that autism is such a vast...