Welcome to Episode 78 and Happy 2022! Mary Scott Hunter here, along with today’s co-hosts Rachel Bryars and Liz Beshears.  Fittingly, today, we are talking about growth.  These 21 months of COVID have been hard, and I think we all know that we aren’t done with this cursed disease yet.   A big hats-off to our […]

The post 78. Growth in 2022 – How to Choose What Stays and What Goes appeared first on Belle Curve Podcast.

Welcome to Episode 78 and Happy 2022! Mary Scott Hunter here, along with today’s co-hosts Rachel Bryars and Liz Beshears.  Fittingly, today, we are talking about growth.  These 21 months of COVID have been hard, and I think we all know that we aren’t done with this cursed disease yet.  

A big hats-off to our essential workers, especially our Curvies in the health care fields.  We so appreciate you and know that life and work has been a blur for you.  Thank, you, thank you, thank you. From the bottom of our hearts.

And for all the rest of us, my guess is, like it or not, you have had to slow down a little, regroup, rethink your priorities.  COVID definitely gave me time and motivation to make some changes in my life in 2021.  It sure wasn’t easy, but it feels today, like many of us are standing at the beginning of a new road.  We’ve taken some hard knocks, maybe made some changes in 2021, and we are ready to spread our wings in 2022 and GROW!  

If that’s you or if you are trying to get there, I think this show will help you.  I spent some time really thinking deeply about growth and what it takes, and that’s the subject of today’s show!  In this show we talk: 

Stopping and startingThe role of feedbackBeing honest with yourselfUnderstanding yourself

And what is the role of courage and confidence?  Do you really need it or is it just nice to have in a change environment?  

Finally, what about Faith?  I think it matters, and I hope including the Faith element in this discussion might convince you to ground yourself in yours to help you through times of change.  

Happy New Year Curvies!  

If you like our show, please leave us a review and support Belle Curve with a small periodic donation at Patreon.com/bellecurvepod, and we will keep bringing you solid, enriching content twice a month so that you are just a little closer to always being your best you.  See you next time!

Resources mentioned:

Change your relationship with change: Get comfortable being uncomfortableJanet Sernack, BetterUp.comDuring-Kruger Effect: Why You Doubt Your Strengths, Jordan Lejuwaan, Highexistence.comPersonality & Temperament: 16 Personalities.com

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The post 78. Growth in 2022 – How to Choose What Stays and What Goes appeared first on Belle Curve Podcast.

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