What Are Your Dreams? 

I decided to take a day to do this exercise before we delve into the Magic Gratitude Practices because it's really important to know exactly what you want before you start calling it in.

You can do the 30-day Magic Gratitude Challenge by just listening to each podcast and doing the exercises. 

If you'd like a more interactive experience, join our community at Mindful Metamorphosis: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mindfulmetamorphosis/

That's where you'll also find the transcripts of each podcast.



STEP 2: Post Your Dreams List in the comments below this post using the Hashtag #day1homework

Some helpful suggestions: I recommend getting a pretty notebook or journal for the Challenge though it's not a must. 

However, please don't use this as an excuse to procrastinate - the trick is to just GET STARTED!

To get you in the zone, you might want to start with a guided visualization meditation first:  https://anchor.fm/believe-in-miracles/episodes/Meditation-Make-Your-Dreams-Part-of-Your-Cellular-Memory--by-Ayala-Katz-e1guqu1

Feel free to write your list any way you like:

You can scribble down your ideas as you would when journaling or doing morning pages.
You can brainstorm ideas and create mind maps.
You can find a bunch of lovely pictures and create a dream board.
You can create a voice note on your phone and talk through all your ideas (use your phone as a dictaphone).
You can create a video of your dreams to watch whenever you want to feel inspired.

Most importantly, have fun with this process!