Welcome to Day 29 of The Magic Gratitude Challenge. This is the final Magic Practice in The Magic by Rhonda Byrne, Magic Practice Number 28: Remember The Magic.

Here's your homework for Day 29 of The Magic Gratitude Challenge, Magic Practice Number 28: Remember The Magic

Step 1. Count Your Blessings - You have written 280 blessings over the course of this challenge!

Step 2. Remember The Magic by counting the blessings of yesterday and writing them down. Ask yourself the question:

What are the good things that happened yesterday?

Scan the surface of yesterday until you feel satisfied that you've remembered and written down all the blessings of the day.

Step 3. As you remember each one, simply say the magic words, thank you, for it in your mind.

Step 4. After today, you can do this practice as a written list or out loud or in your mind. You can make a quick list of all the things you're grateful for about yesterday or make a shorter and more detailed list and say why you're grateful for them.

Step 5. Just before you go to sleep tonight, hold your Magic Rock in one hand, and say the magic words, thank you, for the best thing that happened during the day.

Watch the video: https://youtu.be/fDoP2addQBc

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