This was the meditation we did on Day 2 of our 5-Day Challenge to Boost Lifespan, Healthspan, Mindspan, and Joyspan.

A Gratitude Meditation for Our Beautiful Bodies.

Here's a snippet.

"Come into your body and notice how beautiful, how
strong your body is to have carried you all this time, however many years you have been on this planet, and recognize the
absolute greatness of a body that can function in the way that your body does.
It's a miracle that we have bodies that we carry
around this planet that can hold so much, that can give someone a warm embrace, a big smile, that can be a presence here on Earth, a positive, radiant, beautiful presence.

And just feeling that gratitude for all that you are, all that
you have been throughout your beautiful lifetime, feeling so grateful for every single cell that is radiating now
in your body, feeling the appreciation of who you are."

Video here:

The 5-Day Challenge leads into the launch of my 8-week coaching program on the 7 Natural Laws of Longevity.

For more information on my free challenges or 8-week program, book a call with me at

Join our private community of mavens experiencing a Mindful Metamorphosis here:

Brought to you by Lauren Kinghorn
☆ Transformation Coach and ♡ Energy Healer
Nurturing Mavens through a Mindful Metamorphosis

For more info, visit