Trigger warning!  On today's episode, I discuss how the challenger personality type becomes solidified within us and often times, that is as a result of an instance of trauma or repeated trauma in our formative years.  I alert you with a heads up at the time during the episode where you may want to fast forward.  We will dive deep into the enneagram, attachment styles, and self-leadership to learn more about what our anger is trying to teach us throughout the episode and it will be confronting, I promise.

The challenger personality type on the Enneagram reacts first with anger, as do the 9 and the 1, as they are part of the body feeling triad.  Over the past few years, it has been part of my journey to get in touch with that anger to understand more clearly what is lying beneath it.  I also answer our audience members' questions of how to recognize and display a clean version of our anger so that we can form deeper and more intimate relationships without blowing our lids!

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