Samantha Joy joins me on the podcast this week as an Enneagram type 7, and author of the book The Less Effect: Design Your Life for Happiness and Purpose. Her mission is to educate people on how to step into their authentic self by letting go of items in your physical, social, and habitual environments.

On today's episode, we dig deep into how she was possibly mistyped as a type to the helper for years and years and years before she finally uncovered that she was an Enthusiast on the Enneagram personality testing system. We talked a lot about parenting and her career in upper level management in the financial industry before she set out on her own.

Samantha is running a program right now based on how she went from food stamps to six figures in nine months.

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If Sam's message resonates with you today, please connect with her @iamsamanthajoy or via email at [email protected]