After five years of training in the "gentle art" of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I was honored and humbled to receive my purple belt from the Easton Academy in Denver, Co.  I wanted to include our community in the celebration of that promotion as it has so much to do with moments in my life where I was tested and needed to stay grounded.

Jiu-jitsu is a practice that helps me do that in the healthiest way possible.  In January of '22, I was consumed with work and I felt my reactivity showing up more than I would have liked through the stressful busy season.  Now it's March and I am back to training and facing the next chapter in my life with humility and a new mindset, which impacts my relationships in every area of my life.

Tune in now to hear the full story and celebrate with me today!  If you are looking for more support in your life, send me a message on Instagram @daveglaser_cscs to learn about one on one or group coaching for nutrition, fitness, life and love with me today!