On this week’s episode of the podcast, Morgan Wade and I discussed how the body holds onto memories in “trauma knots”. Morgan, a Focalizing Practitioner, believes that healing is a return to wholeness for us all.  We ask the question, “What is change?” and want to remind you that when we change, our relationship dynamics change as well. My biggest takeaway from our conversation is that “whatever is coming up within us, is coming up for us”.  To me, that means that the only way out is through the emotions and experiences that caused the hurt. 

Our conversation led us into a story from my parenting experience where my daughter Madison told me “Don’t ever shake a baby!” That's good advice.  Morgan and I had the opportunity to discuss how attachments with our caregivers form in childhood to inform our adult relationships. We close out the episode with some scenarios where a parent can create a safe space for their child to form a secure attachment!  

If her message resonates with you today, please connect with Morgan on Instagram @thelovingkind_ or through her podcast @deadhearts.club