Angel Message: Money is just an energy; a vibration that has a molecular structure, and those molecules create mass (either paper or coin). We, as humans, give it an activation of being good or bad.

When we realize this, and really embrace it, we can work in terms of energy, and do the work to see what is keeping it away; discovery, clearing and take steps to create a different energy activation. When we adjust our activation, allowing money to be a tool used to love ourselves, and then to love others, when we change our belief, it creates a different set of supportive actions; different brainwave energy, and that changes the reality.

Your brain is one of your best tools for your growth here. Learn to use it and to overcome whatever is stopping you; to heal old wounds.

If you are a healer, or one who is interested in healing, then you will benefit from my upcoming advanced healing classes. I will begin these in January. They will be deeply healing for those who attend, and will teach you how to understand your energy type, and how to identify and use the energy type of others. It will teach you, by way of example and experience, how to use the energy of "healing", that is innate within you and within all. It will teach you how to identify what energy is needed, and how to access it. So, if you are interested in expanding your repertoire; learning more about how I reach across distance, how I help support healing in others, near and far, then contact me to sign up, and for more information. [email protected].