We spend our days feeling like we’re the only one with problems, when everyone else has their act together.  We feel like other are achieving so much, but we aren’t living up to our potential. 

What if the answer wasn’t a higher self-esteem, but a lower anthropology? What if instead of expecting more from others (and ourselves) we actually expected less?

Host Geoff Holsclaw (PhD) talks with David Zahl about how a high anthropology—thinking optimistically about human nature—can breed perfectionism, anxiety, burnout, loneliness, and resentment. To counteract this Zahl invites us to consider a biblically rooted and surprisingly life-giving low anthropology, which fosters hope, deep connection, and even happiness.

Check out his new book, "Low Anthropology: The Unlikely Key to a Gracious View of Others (and Yourself)".

Join Attaching to God Learning Cohort: Quieting an Anxious and Avoidant Faith.

Starting April 23rd (2024), and meets Tuesday, 4 pm -5 pm (EST). Link: https://www.embodiedfaith.life/attaching-to-god-cohort

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