Merel Kriegsman is a mother, matriarch, medicine woman, poet, organic farmer, opera singer,, and millionaire whisperer.

This conversation is the perfect kick-off to 2023 where I hope you commit and CHOOSE to create true wealth and prosperity on your terms, in the good of all, claiming your birthright to love who you are, and thrive in living your soul's fire truth.

Ar you resisting or sabotaging your own prosperity?

You are not alone.

Hear us talk about the  journey to Merel's  initiation into her life's purpose, and the steps required to trnasmute and break the cycle of generational money karma, trauma, self-sabotage, and lack, through deep inner work, self-awakening, intuitive wisdom, and spiritual courage needed to step into your birthright.

My hope for you is that by the end of this converstaion, you commit to choosing and re-inventing yourself as a wealthy, abundant and grace-filled woman, knowing that you are the only investment you can count on making with limitless return.

True wealth takes dedication, surrender, and patience.

Are you game?

It depends on your devotion to a greater calling to serve.

I know this conversation will inspire and awaken you to what is possible for you, one step at a time if you are devoted to living your soul's calling and turning every challenge into an opportunity to grow, and prosper, gifting the world with your powerful light.

Enjoy this juicy and luxurious conversation, and make sure to take notes!

Find Merel, and follow her incredible, beautiful, deeply authentic journey here:





You have got this.

Remember who you are. ---------------------

Free resources:

Get your free embodied sexual and intuitive energy manifestation practice:

Get your free heart-opening meditations and sign up for more spiritual, intuitive mindset guidance from me at

Do you need deeper support to discover your life purpose and gifts? 

Let's talk: Book a Free Life Clarity Call with me:

Explore your spiritual awakening path and step into your power with me:

Follow my work online: FB:


Insight timer - follow my mediations:



 ***Disclaimer*** This episode is meant for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not to be taken or used as medical advice. As a certified mindset coach and intuitive guide, I do not offer professional psychotherapeutic or medical advice or treatment. If you need mental or physical health support, please seek the help of a trained psychotherapist and physician!