Welcome to Being Brave!

A show for the driven, creative soul ready to embody her truth, and lead with purpose.

I’m your host, Sasha Lipskaia, artist, intuitive coach, marketing and sales advisor, and teacher at Atmana Academy where we train and certify the world’s best intuitive life coaches and entrepreneurs to succeed in their vision and business.


Join me on a weekly soul journey through inspired reflections, interviews, performances, and stories about remembering who you truly are and thriving in a life of love, creativity, self-worth, presence, and being brave, every single day, just as you are.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage, fear, lack of self-esteem, and clarity on who you are and what you want?

You are not alone.

To connect with me, visit www.sashalipskaia.com or email me at [email protected].


You can also find me and dm me your questions and comments on Instagram, Facebook, Linked In, and YouTube under @sashalipskaia.

IG @sashalipskaia
FB @sashalipskaiacoaching



Be brave, be love, be your limitless self, my friend, I believe in you. 

What do you desire to create?

Sasha Lipskaia, ICF, ACC, M.A.