Hello beautiful soul! How are you fueling your creativity?

Are you in touch with it?

Do you make it a priority?

You are a divine creator. That is your birthright.

Creativity is your primal need- it rides on your capacity to hear your intuition and discern it from your brain.

You are either creating or destroying.

What are you choosing to create?

How can you discover more of your identity and purpose by nurturing your creativity today? 
Find the magic in the mundane- and listen to what wants to be born through you.

Gove it a life.

Only you can.

Know that your creative power is your sexual energy- and your heart force, merging to help you actualize your destiny.

It's time to prioritize your creativity so that you reveal more of your gifts, your yearning, and your vision and devote yourself to making your life meaningful.

Are you ready to see yourself as you truly are?

Discover Your True Self: Your intuitive Self, Your soul's voice, Your Higher Guidance, Your Godself.

Let's love.

Ready to go deeper into your purpose and live your truth? *** Join me in Paradise to find your purpose for an intensive intuitive healing, sacred union, and yoga retreat to clarify your true purpose, activate your potential, embody your intuitive wisdom, and integrate your shadows in my 5-day intuitive healing and self-awakening and sacred yoga retreat in the Caribbean coast of Colombia in February 2023: https://bookretreats.com/5-day-embodying-your-purpose-through-intuitive-wisdom-colombia --------------------- Find your heart's peace: Get your free heart-opening meditations at www.sashalipskaia.com/getclear