Jaclyn Mellone is a powerful woman who leads with her heart, and despite her celebrity, is one of the most down-to-earth and relatable people I have ever met in the online entrepreneurship space.

She also happens to be an authority helping leaders claim the stage and the microphone to impact more people with their gifts.

She is the go-to expert in building your online authority (my first-ever business coach was one of her super successful clients:), a business strategist and mentor to high-level entrepreneurs, a podcasting queen, a mom, wife, (and a guac lover,) a community leader, and now, also the CEO of a company that helps business owners and podcasters monetize their voice and message.

Jaclyn is someone I have admired for years, and I am deeply blessed to have her share her magic, her wisdom, and her loving presence with you today.

Join us for a powerful conversation about following your gut, giving up Good for GREAT, and trusting that you do not need a breakdown to choose a different path. 

This conversation will inspire and excite you to say yes to stepping into more of your power, becoming more visible in your gifts, and saying yes to receiving what you desire.

Is it time for you to take a leap of faith into something that might feel scary, but you KNOW, is your destiny?

Let's go.

Connect to Jaclyn here:

Website: https://jaclynmellone.com/

IG: https://www.instagram.com/jaclyn_mellone/


You have got this.

Remember who you are. ---------------------

Free resources:

Get your free embodied sexual and intuitive energy manifestation practice: www.sashalipskaia.com/manifest

Get your free heart-opening meditations and sign up for more spiritual, intuitive mindset guidance from me at www.sashalipskaia.com/getclear.

Do you need deeper support to discover your life purpose and gifts? 

Let's talk: Book a Free Life Clarity Call with me: Bit.ly/Deepshift

Explore your spiritual awakening path and step into your power with me: www.sashalipskaia.com

Follow my work online: FB: https://www.facebook.com/sashalipskaiacoach

IG: https://www.instagram.com/sashalipskaia

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sashalipskaia 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sashalipskaia




 ***Disclaimer*** This episode is meant for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not to be taken or used as medical advice. As a certified mindset coach and intuitive guide, I do not offer professional psychotherapeutic or medical advice or treatment. If you need mental or physical health support, please seek the help of a trained psychotherapist and physician!