Working with Lilith is a gift. This Archetype of the Dark Goddess, Adam'a first wife, the feared "mother of Demons," who has been tainted and shamed by the patriarchal stories of her exile and condemnation, is Rising and uniting with the Dark Queen and Dark Lover, and she is no longer here to yell, scream and create chaos.

She is ready to lead and to own her own destiny- as a Sovereign Queen of her own space in the world. She can help you reveal your compassion and your desire to embrace your shadows, your grief, your anger, and your pain of never feeling enough and hold sacred space to transcend them into a feeling of embodied Self-Love and acceptance of all of your parts and all of your stories while de-activating the charge they carry.

What if you are ready to speak the truth?

You can transmute the fear of being Who You Are into faith and power to Embody all of Your Parts and feel whole and Loved just as you are now. What stage of Lilith are you in?

How does she manifest in your life?

What is her guidance for you right now? 

Watch "How to Accept and Embrace ALL of you to Heal with the Dark Goddess Lilith" here.

Or, listen to it here on the pod.: Lilith Part 1: Embrace all of YOU with the Dark Goddess



Be the miracle you seek. Be the blessing this world needs. That is power. Remember who you are. Ready? Let's do this. Let me know your takeaways from this video and what videos would help you embody the intuitive leader and light worker you know you are in your heart! 

That is power. 

Remember who you are. ---------------------

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 ***Disclaimer*** This episode is meant for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not to be taken or used as medical advice. As a certified mindset coach and intuitive guide, I do not offer professional psychotherapeutic or medical advice or treatment. If you need mental or physical health support, please seek the help of a trained psychotherapist and physician.