Hello beautiful soul! Inner transformation and transmuting your pain into power begins with Compassion. You can heal your shadow parts and reveal their gifts by holding space for yourself, in your heart space, by cultivating deep Com-passion for your old self and for who you are beyond the surface.

Practicing Self-Compassion and connecting your story to the myth of Inanna's death and rebirth will help you tap into and harness your heart's intuitive guidance. In this episode, we will explore how you can learn to be with the full experience of every part of you working with the myth of Egyptian Goddess Inanna, or Isis, and her descent into the underworld.


In this episode, we will explore how you can learn to be with the full experience of every part of you.

How would you feel if you knew you were whole now?

What if you had won already?

Put down your masks, and reveal the passion in your heart. It is safe to be who you are destined to become.

You are a leader, a sacred Queen, or King.

Remember who you are.


Watch how you can work with the dark goddess archetype of Lilith here:


See the video I mention on the 4 C steps to intuitive confidence here: https://youtu.be/35QkcCnAq1A

Ready to go deeper and transform into your Queen/ King? 

You have got this.

Remember who you are. ---------------------

Free resources:

Get your free embodied sexual and intuitive energy manifestation practice: www.sashalipskaia.com/manifest

Get your free heart-opening meditations and sign up for more spiritual, intuitive mindset guidance from me at www.sashalipskaia.com/getclear.

Do you need deeper support to discover your life purpose and gifts? 

Let's talk: Book a Free Life Clarity Call with me: Bit.ly/Deepshift

Explore your spiritual awakening path and step into your power with me: www.sashalipskaia.com

Follow my work online: FB: https://www.facebook.com/sashalipskaiacoach

IG: https://www.instagram.com/sashalipskaia

Insight timer - follow my mediations:


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sashalipskaia 


 ***Disclaimer*** This episode is meant for informational and entertainment purposes only and is not to be taken or used as medical advice. As a certified mindset coach and intuitive guide, I do not offer professional psychotherapeutic or medical advice or treatment. If you need mental or physical health support, please seek the help of a trained psychotherapist and physician!