Hello, dear leader. What do you feel about the masculine? How much trust do you have in your own Masculine?

Your masculine is that part of you that infuses you with the clarity and the confidence to allow your light through.

It offers you safety, nurtures and witnesses your expression honoring your heart, and worshipping your feminine's creative, fertile, gorgeous, embodied flow.

Are you looking for direction and clarity?

The masculine in you is the one you ask for support.

Ask Him, what is your purpose? Hear His answer.

How can your masculine energy lead your feminine flow and help you actualize your potential in a way that is helping you LOVE your fullest expression?

What is your relationship to the Masculine in yourself? 

The wounded masculine destroys, tries to control, and constricts the feminine.

And the wounded feminine evokes the wounded masculine.

How is your feminine feeling inside of you?

How can they both dance through your body and guide you to thrive in this world?

Join me to contemplate and learn why your connection and integration to a healthy masculine in YOURSELF is the way for you to lead yourself and others with purpose and embody your truth with radical self-Love and the power to serve this world with your unique gifts.

Comment below: What is your masculine energy ask you to do today? Remember, You Are Loved.