Are you scared of the unknown?

What if the darkness and uncertainty in your life, are safe?

What becomes possible now?

What if the darkness was a safe place to give yourself rest? What if it could guide you to clarity?


And the unknown is where your truth is revealed, and clarity and new life is born.

Often we cannot feel joy and peace in ourselves because we feel unsafe experiencing the darkness that covers our truth. 

Dark, light- All of your feelings. Do you feel empowered and safe to reveal them to Yourself? We bypass the truth of our darker experiences, and with that, we hide from allowing the darkness and the light born out of it, to heal us. You are safe to feel angry.

You are safe to feel joy. You experience feel both, And. Join me to contemplate the fear of the unknown and how to find safety and trust in Feeling and expressing your truth: feelings, experiences, and fears.

In this episode, I also share a simple daily 20-minute contemplation practice: Just being with you, intimately, fully empty, and open to see yourself, and to receive the full spectrum of the Divine's love for you from within. Ask: "Who am I?"

Let me know what comes through. Explore your spiritual awakening path and step into your power with me: